Phytosphere Research

Additional solar oven designs for heating soil, potting media, and nursery containers

Version 2/16/2025


Solar energy can be used to heat soil, potting media, and contaminated hardware (nursery containers, tools, planting hardware, etc.) to temperatures to kill plant pathogens (including fungi, Oomycetes (e.g., Phytophthora species), bacteria, and viruses), as well as insects and weed seeds. These organisms can be killed by exposure to temperatures between about 50 and 100 C (120-212 F) for at least 30 minutes. These temperatures can be achieved with direct solar heating in several ways, including solar ovens, non-vented greenhouses (essentially large solar ovens), or tarping with clear (not black) plastic. Solar ovens are smaller and cheaper to construct than greenhouses and and are much more efficient for heating materials compared to solarization using clear plastic films.

Solar ovens used for sanitizing materials using heat can be designed and constructed in a variety of ways. This allows customization for specific use situations and constraints. Construction methods and performance data for a portable solar oven designed for field use are presented on another page at this website. Here we describe other solar ovens designed for heat-treating materials to eliminate plant pathogens and other plant pests. More general discussions of heat treatment principles and options are available elsewhere on the Phytosphere website and at the UC Davis AIR Nursery Program website.

Solar oven basics

Heating in a solar oven of the type described here works in the same way as in a greenhouse. Solar radiation (sunlight) enters the greenhouse through a clear boundary layer (glass or plastic). Glass and thermal plastic films used for greenhouses allow visible light and short-wavelength infrared (IR) light to pass through, but have low transmissivity to long-wavelength IR light. Solar energy that is absorbed by materials in the greenhouse and converted to heat are reradiated as long-wavelength IR light that does not readily escape through the glass or plastic, which increases the temperature of materials in the greenhouse. In a solar oven, the clear boundary layer is limited to an area that is facing the sun. All other surfaces (walls and floor) are insulated and coated with a heat resistant reflective material to minimize heating of these surfaces and maximize reflection long-wavelength IR toward materials that are being heated. Absorption of IR energy is more efficient if the objects to be heated do not reflect incoming light energy, so dark or black objects will heat more efficiently than light colored or reflective items.

Solar heating is greatest when the sun is most intense, in midsummer, and when the solar angle above the local horizon (solar altitude) is greatest ("peak hours", 2 to 3 hours on either side of solar noon), and when skies are clear and free of clouds, haze, or smoke. Solar ovens will heat most efficiently if the entire interior of the oven is unshaded and aligned directly at the sun. Heating can be maximized if you are able to rotate your solar oven to maintain this situation as the sun's position moves across the sky. Alternatively, a non-movable oven can be oriented so that it will receive maximum solar energy at peak hours. External reflectors can also be used to direct solar energy from a wider area into the oven and minimize internal shading in the oven during the day.

Solar oven materials

Because air temperatures in solar oven can exceed 100 C (212 F) and dark absorptive surfaces may reach even higher surface temperatures, materials in the oven interior must be able to withstand these temperatures. Weight considerations of materials come into play for the oven opening and if the oven is to be moveable. Outer surfaces of the oven must be tolerant of full sun exposure.

Clear boundary layer




A moveable back-loading solar oven

Moveable back-loading ovenFigure 1. This solar oven features a glass top and front (aluminum-framed ~4 x 2 ft and ~4 x 1.5 ft sliders, respectively), polyiso foam insulation (2 inches=5.1 cm thick) walls and floor, aluminum flashing cladding on interior walls, a combination of reused aluminum flashing and galvanized steel sheet metal on exterior walls, and a removable rear wall. The platform is a modified garden cart.

Construction details

If you use a framed glass window, sizing of other components will depend on the window dimensions. For the oven in Figure 1, the top window is a framed nominal 4 x 2 ft slider. Because the window is mounted on angles attached to the inside of the side walls, the minimum platform (utility cart bed) length is 4 ft 4 inches (for 2 inch-thick sidewalls). The front wall (in this case, another framed slider window, nominal 4 x 1.5 ft) needs to match the width of the top window. An alternative arrangement for mounting the top window is to rest the edges on top of the side walls (Figure 2), in which case the platform and window lengths will be the same.

Moveable back-loading oven alternateFigure 2. This solar oven features a glass top (unframed 4 x 3 ft window pane), polyiso foam insulation (2 inches=5.1 cm thick) walls and floor, aluminum flashing cladding on interior walls, plastic sheeting on exterior walls, and a removable rear wall. The platform is plywood to which garden cart wheel assemblies were attached. Note that the window is mounted on the top edges of the side walls.

The width of the platform is somewhat more flexible because the window can be inclined at a range of angles as long as shading within the oven is minimized. In the case of the oven in Figure 1, the minimum width was set to accommodate the steam table pans that are used for holding soil or media. The platform width was extended slightly to provide sufficient interior width for the pans, plus space for air circulation around them on all sides.

Note that if you use plastic sheeting (greenhouse film) instead of glass, it is easier to design the oven box based on desired interior dimensions and cut the film to size. Rigid plastic sheets can also be cut to size but maximum sheet dimensions may constrain the size of the oven box.

Our other solar oven design, was made to be transported to a remote location in a flat, dismantled state, so all edges of the wall and floor panels were covered with sheet metal J channel. Construction is somewhat simplified for the cart-mounted solar oven shown here that is not intended to be dissembled, with the exception of the removable rear wall. Once the basic fixed dimensions are determined, the general order of construction is as listed below. Be sure to check the overall fit as you go along to account for dimensions after the cladding is applied. Also, dimensions may shift a bit as parts are attached together. Use heat-resistant weather stripping or flexible caulk (e.g., silicone) at all joints. The finished oven won't be entirely airtight, but it should be close to that for good heating efficiency.

Completed oven with bar clampsFigure 13. Completed solar oven with bar clamps being used temporarily to hold back panel in place. Note black steam table pans used for soil or media and wire mesh to keep these from sliding into the front window when the oven is moved.

We are using stainless steel steam table pans with lids (about 21" L x 13" W x 6 " D") to hold media or soil that is being heated (Figures 1, 9, 13). The pans are coated with heat-resistant black spray paint to absorb IR and facilitate heating. Air is allowed to circulate around each of the pans. Repurposed aluminum tubing pieces provide air space under the pans and the removable sides from the cart were joined and used to make a separator between upper and lower layers of the pans. We have only used 3 pans, but at least 4 would fit. To prevent the pans from sliding into the front window with the cart is moved, a piece of 2 x 4 inch wire fence fabric was mounted in front of the window (Figures 1, 9, 13).

Changelog: 2/16/2025 original version posted

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